The play, collected by Mary Dormer Harris, a local historian and Stoneleigh resident, was discovered in her collection by Ron Shuttleworth and was first revived by The Coventry Mummers in 1975. It has been performed every year since then, in the village, on Boxing Day. The last performance is always outside the Stoneleigh Village Club at approximately 1.15pm (mince pies and whisky permitting!)
The performances start at Ashow at 10.15 and 10.30am and continue at various venues in Stoneleigh, finishing at the Stoneleigh Village Club at 1.15pm
The video shows three complete performances; Ashow, Church Lane (Stoneleigh) and outside the Village Club (Stoneleigh). It was recorded on the 26th December 2006 and is introduced by Ron Shuttleworth.
It is available at £5 + p&p (£2.50, within the UK).
Here is a short extract from the video

If you wish to purchase a copy, contact Graham Hall